Sunday, July 8, 2012

This is one of my favorite photographs from the last few months so I will us use it as the first image for my first ever blog post. I went out for a sunrise shoot with my good friend and fellow camera owner Josh. It was very early but I had nothing to say on account of my friend having to get up a good hour before me to drive to my house. Bleary eyed we hit the road with only the faintest hope that the espresso would soon take hold. It takes about 45 minutes to drive out to Drakes beach then another 15 or so to walk down to the reef we were to stand on that morning. Everything felt pretty much miserable.  It was cold, there was fog, it was overcast with little promise. Did I mention it was cold? The low beach break was slopping over the rock as I started looking around wondering where the sun would rise. Without any warning at all it was on! The light turned great and stayed great. I made hasty compositions. Cable releases and graduated filters came out. I was afraid of the waves. Bad things have happened before, expensive things. My feet got wet it was slippery. I neglected to check my focus till after the light settled down 15 minutes later.  Was I going to cry? No, there would be no cathartic release; I was just going to have to live with it. Then for just a minute, that beautiful glow broke under the clouds and I was ready. A gift, a second chance, something to hope for at the very least. I shot it with a Nikon D300 and finished it in Lightroom 2. I hope you like it. I want to go back reshoot some blurry images that might have been really cool.